Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stupid Magnets

So, today I went to Kingston General Hospital (the Frasier Armstrong Patient Care Centre, specifically), and had an MRI done. Now, I'm not sure who of you reading this have had one, but if you have, and you got the stuff that they inject you with, you can understand why I still feel like shit, 9 hours later. MRI's are loud, cold, and very irritating, then they inject a person with a chemical that does all sorts of things that make you want to puke, and mess up your stomach. I had that, and it's not the most fun I've ever had, that's for sure. Hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow.

Stupid Magnets

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well, I guess to be fair, I may as well do the introduction, and get everyone on the same page.

My name is Aaron Robert Stanley. I'm 23 years old, the youngest child. I'm 5 foot 1, and overweight (let's not get bogged down in too much detail, for now).

I'm a cynic, both my nature and nurture. I'm a bit of a jackass, I like my practical jokes, and I enjoy horror movies.

That's all for now, not in too much of an expressive mood.